December Meeting
Little Lehigh Trout Unlimited Members
The Little Lehigh Chapter invites all fly or gear fishers and anyone interested in participating in our mission to conserve, protect, and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries, and particularly the Little Lehigh Watershed, to attend our meetings and participate in our activities.
Little Lehigh Trout Unlimited Chapter 070 Monthly Meeting
7:00 PM, December 4, 2013
Wildlands Conservancy, 3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus, Pa., 18049
The Little Lehigh Chapter meets the first Wednesday of each month
Follow Us:
Website: (available, underdevelopment)
Face Book: Little Lehigh Trout Unlimited
The Little Lehigh Chapter is beginning its second year as a re-chartered Chapter. Thanks to everyone who supported us this past year and we look forward to your continued support this year. We have several priorities for this year including increasing membership, continuing and expanding our Trout In the Classroom program, a monofilament recycling program, stream clean-up this Fall, a possible Youth Camp this Summer, fund raising and supporting our project through grant applications. If you have an interest in helping with any of these activities please speak with any of our officers or directors. You can decide and limit the extent of your commitment to a project. Our objective is to get as many members involved and comfortable with the level of their self regulated time commitment.
Please plan to attend our November 6, 2013 meeting to hear more about Chapter plans for the year…feel free to bring a friend.
• Welcome and introduction of Board Members
• Financial Report
• Current Chapter Activities
• 50/50 Raffle (Hopefully)
• Speakers: Reimold, Reimold, Watters: Planning for a Destination Trip
Planning for a "Destination" fishing trip
Bill ,Jim and Josh Reimold--and Nick Watters had a great trip to the Beaverhead River in July.
How did we plan the trip and what would we have done differently-had we known better?
We will discuss-- Why Montana?--transportation, cabin--time--packing--equipment--meals--GUIDES--we rated them. health and much more.
Jim has several pictures
We can all benefit from input from other TU members --particularly in planning future trips
Share with us your favorite "Destination “trip(s)
Upcoming Events
(1) Application for a Coldwater Heritage Partnership Grant to plant trees along the Little Lehigh.
(2) Kiss the Waters, Banko Cinema $2.00 goes to TU.
December 17, 7:15 p.m.
Tickets: $10
(3) Chapter Joint Event TBD
Recent Chapter Activities
John R Tunney, President LL TU
P.O. Box 51
East Texas, Pa 18046